Sunshine Massage SchoolAdvanced Training

Sunshine Massage SchoolAdvanced Training


Thai Massage Using the Feet

Let us walk all over you!

30 Dec. 2024 to 1 Jan. 2025: 3 days/18 hours

With Sukha

Discover the ancient art of Thai massage and unlock a new level of therapeutic care for your clients. In this specialized 3-day workshop, you'll immerse yourself in the powerful techniques of using the feet to deliver a deeply balancing and rejuvenating massage experience.

As massage therapists, we often start by using our thumbs and hands to work on our clients. Over time, we progress to utilizing our elbows and knees. However, in many cases, we can preserve the longevity of our fingers by taking a step back and leveraging our feet and body weight instead.

The Healing Power of Feet: Traditional Thai Massage Methods

This comprehensive program blends traditional Thai massage methods with a strong emphasis on safety and proper body mechanics. You'll learn a variety of one-foot and two-foot techniques that not only help your clients achieve deep relaxation and improved well-being, but also prevent injury to your own wrists, thumbs, and knees.

Unlock a truly unique experience and offer your clients a level of care that goes beyond the ordinary. The ancient art of Thai massage, when combined with the specialized use of the feet, can deliver a profoundly therapeutic and balancing session that nourishes the body, mind, and spirit.

Don't miss this chance to elevate your massage skills and offer your clients a truly unique and transformative experience.

Course Highlights:

- Integrate using the feet into a full-body Thai session
- Essential techniques (e.g. kneading, rocking, acupressure using the feet).
- Proper body mechanics, positioning and weight distribution to prevent injury.
- Principles of energy work and sen line stimulation.
- Customization and adapting techniques to address individual client needs.
- Client communication and strategies for adapting traditional Thai methods to ensure client comfort and safety.

Dates and Price

30 Dec 2024 to 1 Jan 2025 : 3 days / 18 hours,

Thai Baht 8,100.-
( Approx. USD 246 or EUR 223)

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